Pulpos -Ocythoe tuberbulata-

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Me parece curiosa la utilización del término Ocythoe para referirse a una familia de pulpos incluida (dentro del grupo de los Argonautas) ya que los griegos la utilizaron para referirse a una de las malvadas Arpías. Mañana hablamos un poquito de esto.

Ocythoe tuberculata

La familia Ocythoidae presenta sólo un género y una especie, Ocythoe tuberculata Rafinesque, 1814. Esta especie es epipelágica y posiblemente cosmopolita en aguas oceánicas cálidas (subtropicales) de los Océanos Atlántico, Pacífico e índico y del Mar Mediterráneo.

Tuberculate Pelagic Octopus
The Tuberculate Pelagic Octopus (Ocythoe tuberculata), also known as the Football Octopus, is a pelagic species that is relatively unresearched in terms of behaviour and life-cycle.
The females are around a metre long when full-grown. The males are considerably smaller at around 10cm.
As a species, they are unique among cephalopods in possessing a true gas bladder. They are also the only known ovoviviparous cephalopod.
Young females and mature males have been observed residing inside salps, although little is known about this relationship.
Vía Wikipedia

Ocythoe tuberculata
This pelagic species occupies near-surface waters (at least at night) in the temperate regions of the world's oceans. The females are large with a mantle length up to 310 mm (Roper and Sweeny, 1976). The mantle is very muscular and the octopod, presumably, is an excellent swimmer. The ventral and dorsal arms are much longer than the lateral arms. Females of Ocythoe are the only known cephalopods with a true swimbladder (Packard and Wurtz, 1994) and the only known cephalopods that are ovoviviparous (i.e., give birth to live young that hatch internally) (Naef, 1923). A pair of water pores at the base of the ventral arms lead to extensive water-filled spaces between the eyes and arm bases. In subadult and adult females the ventral surface of the mantle has permanent ridges formimg a reticulate pattern. Males are dwarfs with a mantle length of about 30 mm.
Vía Tree of life


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