Arte y pulpos -Grego-
Published Saturday, May 28, 2005 by Spyder | E-mail this post
Cuadro con motivos marinos -como casi siempre por aquí- del artista, poeta y pintor
Grego (Gregory Michael Maness).
GregoGregory Michael Maness who was born 1959 in Miami, Florida. Known to be some what of a recluse, "Grego" currently resides in America's finest city of San Diego, not far away from the Ocean once again. Although he very rarely participates in commercialized Art Fairs of self-promotion, his philosophy is a very simple one. "If you are willing to work hard enough to create an idea from deep within your soul, and it turns into a magical painting or clever short story that people really want in their lives, then you are a success. If you are fortunate enough to have developed a dedicated following of supporters who really appreciate your work, then you have received a Blessing, and that is enough for you to live with for the rest of your life".
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